Sunday, April 17, 2011

Laws of Thai School

When I learned in Thailand I was 9 years old of my age. My brother and I go with many of Hmong children Thai in that school, because that school they made for Hmong people that who are have paid for their children to learn in that school, because they needed to paid for the books each year.  The amount of money was 1,001 bath. 

When we were in that school, I don’t like the law, because the teachers could hit students’ very time.  If who were came late then the teacher could punishment that person.  I saw one student in other class has punishment, because the building doesn’t have the wall to cover.  All my class saw his teacher punish him, the teacher needed he to stand in 1hr with one let because the other one he needed to pull to the knee and with two rock on his hands so if he couldn’t stand and made the rock fell down than he will has to hit by the teacher three time hard hitting, because it is the law in Thai school.
In that school all the teachers must checked the students nails very month but all the students don’t know the date that when teachers will check it.  So In my brother class he has a friend that who are has nails just a little long, so the teacher told he friend to get all of the fingers together than teacher use a big ruler to hit the nails so that he fingers nails could come out a little blood. 
In that school the girls must have their hair short a cut under or upper their ears. So when we were most came home, so all the student should have made a line for each class to go home, so that my teacher came to check our hair with a scissors, so my friend and I with two boys have cut hair by the teacher because the law all of boys have one very short hair style for the boys than that two boys have a little long hair, so teacher cut three scissors cut on their hair.  So about my friend and I have one inch long hair over our ears.  We have a big cut on our hair, because the teacher doesn’t like students’ hair long.
I don’t like the laws in Thai school, because the teachers so mean.  They not love the students, they could hit the student if they want, and now I know that the teachers in there not very interest to teach the students.  They also want to get the money.  Because most of the student cannot read, write, and solve problem.  If they couldn’t do it than teachers also use the stick to hit students because all of the teachers should have one stick with them very time.

1 comment:

  1. Thats horrible! I can't believe you had to go through that...
