Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hmong soccer tournament

I think that it almost began to summer time!  I very love summer, because it has too many fun outside and good times to go anywhere.  I cannot wait for the Hmong soccer tournament, because very years I have to help my mom sell her stuffs in the tournament.  She came from North Carolina to sell her stuff on very Hmong soccer tournament on July 4 and every city that have Hmong soccer tournament. 

When I go there I could meet my old friends and my relative that when we were live together in Thailand too.  But some of they have a change and little different than the person that I have knew, because sometime I could not remember some of them, but they were still remember me, because I am not change still the same. So the tournament in the summer is a good time for the relatives came to meet each other, because in this country everyone should have work to do, so that they don’t have to go visit each other than the summer they would want to travel out of city and go to meet their relatives on the tournament. 

For the adult they couldn’t want to stay too much inside the house because they don’t have nothings to do, so they like to go to the tournament to travel and exercise to get a healthy.  And go the meet their relatives that lives too far from them and old friends that they don’t have had saw for a long time ago.  And they want to go to buy movies and karaoke music to watch in the winter then they cannot bore to stay in the winter.   

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