Monday, March 21, 2011

My Spring Bread

           This spring bread I don’t want to go anywhere, because I have lot homework to do.  I will have to do my Rogerian essay, and my argument presentation, and the last one is to find more information about “How do Illegal Immigrants Affect to the U.S Economy” to do as my presentation for my Economy class.  So this spring bread I have a lot things to do because all of these are due after spring bread on Tuesday and Thursday in the first week that we are go back to school.

But all of these are very hard for me, because some of it makes me still get as confusing, but I will try my best to do it.  I know that its’ hard not easy but I must have to do it and get it done on time.  If I not understand which one, then I hope that I will ask my friends to help me out, I think that they will know more than me, so that I not worry it much.  But I will try to know it as I can.

If when I am done all my homework, then I plan to go shopping to buy some jeans and pants for me because now I short jean and pant to wear I very want to buy on this spring bread because now is my time to do shop.  I want to go to the Kohl’s and Deb store because these stores are my favorite clothes.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Does Not Like I Think

Before I came to this country.  I think that if we came we could have to live in the big and high building like the big down town, because when I live in Thailand, I also saw the picture that has a nice city with the high builded.  So that when my family came to North Carolina.  my uncle and aunt came to wait us at the airport area when my family was arrived then they took us to rode the cars.  when we in the car I felt that it was like a dream to me, because I don't believe that why it was a while and not took to long my family and I were arried in the United State.  I very pound that we have to came to this country.  When we were arrived it was 8 pm. it was a beautiful lighting at that night.   We took 25 mintue from the airport to my uncle's house.  So when we came to their house it wasn't look like I think before I was in Thailand.

While they made a dinner for us and after, that I went to take a shower, but I don't know how to open the water so I would go too long in there, because I don't know how to do it, and then I would back to tell my uncle that I don't know how to open it, than he sould go to do it and show me that how to open.   After he open it than I was close the door and lock but I don't know how to lock the door too.  Because it was the lock door that need to press and turn it to the left or right to lock it but that time I don't know how to lock it.  And I sould his daughter to show me about it.

 After that we were watch movie until 3:30.  So my parents and uncles also talked about how they lived in Thailand and this country.At the day we were sletp but in night we were stay, because in this country was a night and than in Thailand was the day so that why we were stay at night and than will sleep in the days.  We were do like that about two weeks.  After a month, I would know that the big building and nice city that the very tall building that I have saw in the picture was only in the down town  in the state only.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Hometown

My hometown was in the  Wat Tham Krabok, Thailand.  I love to live there because in there have a lot of people and I alway love to live and playing outside with my friends very days before the sun set.  We always like to play the games, but I don't know what the games are call, but we love to play very much we would played every nights before going bed.  It is very fun because I have many friend played together.  We love to playing most, when the sun will going down.

In the moring my friends and I alway go to find one place that we love to live and sewing the Pandao (Hmong tapestry).   After we sewing our Pandao than we alway love to eat the noodle soup for our lunch,because the noodle soup in Thailand very tasty food.   When we finished eating than we go back to sewing the Pandao until the time that we go to shopping to buy a foods for the dinner.

We love to go to shopping very much, because shop in the Hmong refugee camp very fun.  When we will go shopping then we could tell each other of all our friend and then we were go at one group.  If we go with many  friends and than we will have more fun.  When we finish with shopping then we came back home and started to cook a dinner.  If I want to play than I should have to cook earlyer, but some time I should play with my friends first than will cook later.  But I alway like the playing after dinner.