Tuesday, May 17, 2011

First Tournament at Green Bay

Last two day, Hmong make a soccer tournament in Green Bay.  My family and I went to there, they sold a lot of things but I couldn’t bring lot money so I cannot buy anything.  Before we go my husband and I think that we will not buy anything however, when we were got there.  They sold some pretty things that I very want to buy but we also bring little money.   
            When it was lunch time, my mother in law wants me to buy a papaya for us.  So when I went to buy it.  A lady that sold papaya told me that how many chilly I want to have in my papaya.  When she shows me the chilly, I want it have four chilly on my papaya.  Before I think that it is not spicy. 
When she finish with it then I take it very tasty first I eat it not very spicy but a while I felt it more and more spicy.  So when we are finish eating then I felt my stomach being hurt because it is too spicy but it very tasty.

Busy on Last Weekend

On Saturday, my family has make Hmong culture to mother in law because last summer, she has car accidents.  So she scared about that, then we also want to buy a cow to make a big meal and the shaman has to call her spirit come home then we should call our relatives to come to join us and help my family to cook because we cooked a lot of foods. 
Many people come to join my family too.  We are cook too much so after eating I have to give them some foods to my relative and friends before they were go home.  So I have to clear my house.  I really tired after I clean, when I finish with it then at night I felt like my foot was swollen because I have to cook all day and more standing and walking.
However, it still has a lot left so I think that I will save it to tomorrow but on the morning it already not good to eat so I could throw it away.  Then I have to make the other new cook for our breakfast because the foods that we have left don’t well anymore.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Baby Shower Party

Yesterday, I went to join my friend party because her grandmother wants to make a celebration for her baby girl.  So she will be due her baby on May, 16 so it is as soon.  At my friend party there have many people and friends were came to join her party.  So her family made a lot of good food in that party.  There were noodles soup, eggs roll, candy, fruits, and drinks.  All of these are very tasty food.  I very love it, because it my favors.
But I couldn’t eat it a lot, because I already ate in my husband sister wedding at that day too.  So that I so full and I couldn’t have it more but I very like that foods so I also try some of it, because they are taste very good.  I like to have the eggs roll more because my friend is very good to mix the things of eggs roll, so the eggs is very tasty.
All of our friends and their relatives gave a lot of gifts for her baby, because she is also having her first baby.  So after that we were made a little game to play for fun, so that my other friend want us to get a wearing to the baby toy, so she will set up the time for us to complete a wear for the baby toy.  So that if who are make a wear quickly for the baby toy than that person will be the winner, then she or he will get the gift.  So that game is so fun, but I so say, because I couldn’t see the end that who are the winner, because I went home to do my home, so the why I couldn’t play that game the ending.